Guest Blogger Mike Knapp – Trying a Website Recipe

Trying a Website Recipe

Hello again, chefs, and welcome to summer!

I know, it’s been “summer” for a while, but the solstice marks a 90-day run of fun, friends, and of course, food! There’s nothing like getting some friends together on a warm summer day and grilling up some tasty food.

That’s why I decided to celebrate by firing up my Evo flattop and trying something new. The great thing about the Evo flattop is that with two distinct cooking zones you can cook food in ways that can’t be done on a conventional grill.

I decided to try one of the recipes on the Evo website and chose to make grilled sausage, peppers, onions, and potatoes. You can find that recipe here: https//

As is the case with many of the EVO recipes, the prep directions were easy to follow. One new trick I picked up was to boil the potatoes before cutting them up. As a potato fan, I’ve made them in so many different ways but never thought of doing that step first. What I liked about it was the fact the potatoes cooked much faster that way, and I didn’t have to worry about any of the pieces still being a little “crunchy” even after I cooked them. Plus, it gave the potatoes a really great texture.

Utilizing the two cooking zones, I put my veggies in the middle cooking zone and left the sausage on the outside at a lower temperature.

After that, it was easy! One thing I love about my Evo is the round design, which makes it so much easier to work with. I like the ability to walk around the Evo and be able to work with food while it is right in front of me. Of course, the design of the Evo also makes it great for friends to gather around it and be involved with the cooking process – of course, in this case, involved means holding a beverage and supervising the chef!

But that’s what’s great about the Evo, it makes grilling a community event. People love to gather around grills while their food is being prepared, and it also gives the chef a chance to put on a bit of a show. It’s just another example of how food brings people together.

In the end, it all turned out even better than I expected. The food tasted amazing and I give all of the credit to the Evo. It used to really frustrate me that I couldn’t get things exactly the way I wanted them on a conventional grill, but with the Evo I’m finding that I can cook food more consistently, and it tastes better too.

Which one should I try next?

Guest Blogger Mike Knapp

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