Roast potatoes, let cool, then grate (We roasted our potatoes in the Miele Steam Convection Oven)
Place a little butter on a heated frying pan, add diced mushrooms, diced red peppers, and diced onions (In this demonstration we used the EVO)
Add roast beef and cook until crisp (about 2 minutes)
In another pan, add a little butter and grated potatoes. Cook until crisp (about 2 minutes)
Lightly grease 4 ring molds, set on cooktop and crack one egg into each ring. Cook until desired consistency (Cooking rings make fried eggs simple and easy to clean up)
Combine roast beef mixture and potatoes. Place fried egg on top, sprinkle some thyme, and serve.
Notes: This meal serves 3-4 and can be made with much more than just roast beef. Never limit yourself – you can substitute the roast beef with corned beef or pastrami, you can also make it with pork belly or even some smoked salmon… the options are limitless. Cheers!